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 Amazing Grays  

Amazing Grays is a self-supporting group for seniors who attend Hudson Memorial and who are 55 or older. The purpose of the group is to get together for fun, food and fellowship.


Members are asked for an annual contribution toward the overhead expenses of the group, i.e. postage for mailings to members who do not have access to email, fees charged by entertainment, printing the manual, etc. Members are asked to contribute $15.00 per year.


The group meets in Westminster Hall at 11:30 am on the third Thursday of November through February and at 6:00 pm in March through October. Meals are catered at a cost of $8.00 per person. Reservations are required.


Members also gather at a local restaurant on the first Thursday of each month. Each person is responsible for the cost of their food. No entertainment, just fellowship. Travel by the group is based on out-of-pocket expenses for the event and cost is passed on to those traveling. All travel is based on a first-come basis if there is a limit to the number we can accommodate.


The programs and travel are planned for the enjoyment and entertainment of those attending Amazing Grays.


Leadership of the group serves a two-year term on the board and is made up of the Chairman, Finance Committee, Master of Ceremonies, Program Chair, Membership Committee and Food Committee. The board meets monthly to review plans for upcoming months and to follow-up on contacting new members at the church.


Anyone interested in joining Amazing Grays or participating Amazing Grey's Bridge Club should contact Ed and Carolyn Holzinger.

Knit Wits Too!

is a small interest group of Amazing Grays. We knit and crochet items for church members in need and for charity. Some of the things we make are baby hats for Rex Hospital, toys for North Raleigh Ministries, adult and children’s hats, prayer shawls, lap robes, chemo hats and scarves.

The group meets the third Monday of each month in the parlor from 10:00 until noon.

Any interested person is invited to attend. If you do not know how to knit or crochet, we will teach you!

Please contact Shirley Blanks, coordinator, for more information.

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