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 Sacristy and Chancel Guild  

The Chancel Guild provides loving care for the Sanctuary by:

  • Changing the paraments according to the liturgical season

  • Arranging for seasonal flowers/decorations, such as poinsettias for Advent and lilies for Easter

  • Placing artificial floral arrangement in the Chancel when fresh arrangement is not provided

  • Helping straighten up and replenish the sanctuary supplies

The Sacristy Guild prepares communion on Communion Sundays and other special occasions.

Both of these guilds need volunteers – the more people who volunteer, the easier the tasks. Please consider using your time and talents. Please contact Pastor Mac if you are interested in volunteering

Chancel Flowers

The Mission of the Chancel Guild is to glorify God and awaken one’s spiritual senses by utilizing the arts & nature in concert with the liturgical seasons of worship. With this as our guide we have a responsibility to our congregation and the environment that we know as HMPC. To simplify the ordering of the Chancel Flowers we have implemented a new procedure. If you are interested in giving flowers for a particular Sunday please sign your name on an open date

  • The price is set at ($80)

  • The church staff will order the flowers

  • The Monday before your date the Administrative Assistant will remind you of the payment if you have not done so already

  • She will ask who you wish to honor or have in memory of. This will be communicated in the Sunday bulletin

  • You can indicate if you will be taking the flowers after the 11:05 am worship service or if they'll be given to friends or members who are in need


Thank you for enhancing the Sunday worship experience by giving a floral arrangement!

Call the church office for more information at (919) 787-1086, fill out our contact form or you may pay for your flowers online by clicking on the box.

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