Music Ministry
The mission of Music Ministry at Hudson Memorial Presbyterian is to provide opportunities for members of all ages to develop and share their musical gifts in the proclamation of the Gospel. The goal of the Music Ministry is to glorify God through music in worship and to offer a small group experience where joys and concerns are shared.
Youth Bells
For youth in grades 5-12: This group rehearses on Sunday mornings from 12:00-12:30pm (following Youth Sunday School). We play bells, get to know each other and prepare to lead in worship. This is a great way to make friends and serve your church.
Contact Barbara Loehr-Fox for more information.
Hudson Handbells
The Hudson Handbell Ringers ring a five-octave set of Malmark handbells, as well as a four-octave set of Malmark choirchimes. This fine intermediate to advanced handbell choir rehearses Wednesdays from 6:15 to 7:15PM.
For more information, contact Barbara Loehr-Fox.
Joyful Noise & Wee Worshipers - Children's Music Programs
Wee Worshipers: Ages 3- Kindergarten
11:30am-12:15pm Sundays in Geneva Hall/Music Room
Wee Worshipers is our youngest children’s music program led by Rich Richards and Barbara Loehr-Fox.
Joyful Noise: grades K–4
11:30am-12:15pm Sundays in Geneva Hall/Music Room
Joyful Noise is our children’s music program led by Rich Richards. Using games and activities and playing instruments, children learn about Bible stories appropriate to their age and development. Joyful Noise children will have the opportunity to lead worship a few times a year through music and simple pageants. Contact Rich Richards for more information.
Chancel Choir
This active and dedicated adult choir is the main music ensemble in the 10:30AM worship service. The Chancel Choir sings weekly in worship, presents major works, and participates in other special programs throughout the year.
The Chancel Choir rehearses Wednesdays from 7:30 to 9:00PM in the Sanctuary. It is open to all interested singers.
Contact Barbara Loehr-Fox for more information.